Well, life does throw up some amazing coincidences and one of those is finding the Kodak Playsort and the new Kodak ZM1!
Some of you will have seen me raving about my Kodak Zi8 that I bought a while back to get into the whole world of video marketing. It’s still going strong, but that’s not the reason for this update.
I was looking at all the other possibilities in the pocket camcorder space for something I could take on the beach on my upcoming vacation without worrying about sun, sea and sand ruining it and there staring me in the face was the Kodak Playsport.
The Playsport has all the sexy HD goodness of my Zi8 but with 3 metres (10ft) more water resistance! Ideal for a bit of snorkelling or “oops, I dropped the camera”. The only thing it’s missing is the separate microphone input but as I couldn’t find a waterproof lavalier mic anyway it doesn’t make any difference.
As usual I reckon one of the cheapest places to get hold of it is Amazon, so if you want one in the US, check out:
and of course in the UK:
Now normally that would be the end of it, job done, camera bought. However, in their cleverness, Kodak intercepted my post and sent me an email this morning about their super new toy….the Kodak Mini Video Camera also known as the Kodak ZM1.
Now, let’s be clear, the ZM1 is NOT an HD camera in any shape or form. It’s maximum res is only 640×480 (ah, the good old days of VGA!) and if you want 60fps then you’ll even have to drop back to 320×240 or QVGA. However, and this is the real kicker….it is literally the size of a credit card (and maybe as thick as a pencil), it’s less than half the price of the Playsport and it is as waterproof as the Playsport. It takes microSD/SDHC memory so you should be able to ride the phone memory wave there too.
I love my Zi8 and I like the HD of the Playsport but this just oozes so much gadgetyness, if that’s a word, that I may just skip straight to the ZM1……even better, Amazon UK have stolen a short lead on the US and have it up for pre-order for August 1 already! Choose your colour here -> Kodak ZM1
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