I said on Saturday (Day 7) that I’d probably spend Sunday doing more reading and research than site updating and that is what I ended up doing.I like the old biblical idea of having a day off (at least a bit!) – it lets your brain catch up with life and re-energise in a way that our constant high-pressure lives don’t give us.
Having said that, I did spend some time getting my main site’s first post set up in “The Best Spinner” so that I can plug in a load of articles to UAW and also to Link Juicer. I’m pretty pleased with my text so far – it’s up to 91% unique in TBS and that’s only with a second paragraph for each existing one and no synonyms yet in place.
As a special bonus to those of you following along, I’ve also decided that Sundays will be “search for a keyword” day. What that means is that I’ll set some stuff in motion on Sunday that will make Monday my “Free Keyword” day. I’ll give you a new keyword and domain each Monday that has good searches and at least some potential for commercial exploitation.
So, tada, fanfare please. The first keyword is:
“Single bed with mattress”
Domains available: .com .net and .org all available
This bad boy gets 33,100 searches a month and Traffic Travis says that it is relatively easy to compete for. But check this before you wade in. This is a UK keyword. Check it out in Google Insights and you’ll see that it doesn’t even get a flicker of searches from the US…..so make sure you target the right market and you should be fine.
As a special, special bonus, I checked out the .co.uk for you and found that it has already been snapped, but (and get this!) it has been registered for 2 years to an individual, has a default unix directory listing as its home page and in a bizarre twist of fate is only registered until tomorrow (August 24)! Maybe a short wait will see this back on the market, but if not, I think the right offer will easily secure it.
I haven’t looked at commerciality overall, but beds are beds, right? People need to sleep, so I’m guessing this will be fairly evergreen!!
If you pick it up and make some good money with this, let me know. I’ll preserve any anonymity you want and a bit of encouragement helps everyone on their way.
Earnings for the last two days have been miserable, even when accumulated.
Adsense earnings: 7c despite adding a new site into the adsense farm that gets a reasonable amount of traffic.
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