Progress Update.

I realize that I haven’t been on here with regular updates just recently and this is as good a time as any to reveal some of my activities in the last few weeks.

I had a pretty poor time with my sites in October, some slipped down in the rankings a bit, some failed to live up to their potential and so my earnings also slid slightly, I’ll dig out the numbers later. One of the reasons for that was because I chose to focus on some of the more seasonal events happening around this time of year.

I had a pretty well ranked site in the halloween outfit space but no matter how many visitors I got, I didn’t see the conversions I expected. There may be a lesson here for me in terms of learning my copywriting skills! Undeterred, I am also exploring the Christmas affiliate scene, so I hope to report more about that as the weeks go on.

In the mean time, and much more postiviely, I got involved with promoting Dan Brock’s latest launch. His Deadbeat Super Affiliate course follows on from Profitzon (that I bought last year) and so I felt I could offer some informed comment on the course.

Now, I’m not going to to claim overnight millions from this, but I set up an affiliate site, created a bonus and yesterday I had my very first $100 day. In fact it was a $130 day. So I’m pumped! I can finally see how this might work. I need to do more and work smarter, but this is mortgage money and that feels good!

I’ve decided to put online a few of my older bits and bobs that are doing nbody any good on my hard drive. Who knows, they may be useful to you. The first, Mindmap Mastery, is online now. You can find it linked at the top of the page.


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