Internet Millionaire Academy Review – Day 2

Day 2 of Adeel’s Internet Millionaire Academy followed on pretty well from the Friday session and since I can’t get to day 3 on Sunday, I’d encourage you to head down there if you have time.

We started the day a little more promptly, which I think was as much due to the presenting team knowing how to get there as the attendees. More thoughts on that at the end, but suffice it to say that the attendance hasn’t been stellar up to now.

First up on the stage was Larry Loik. Larry has obviously had a lot of success in loads of different ventures over the last few years and has branched into IM more recently. His presentation reflected that – slick, full of NLP techniques and a monster offer at the end that just kept piling on bonus course after course to feed the buying frenzy. I have to say, despite all that, that it didn’t make my blood race! There was a brief flicker when he promised a crack at being one of the presenters at an event they will be running this year. My intention is to get back onto stage again at some point soon, so that sounded good, but the rest of it just looked a bit too much like filler.

That brings up a valid point about all these conferences. If you go, don’t expect every presenter to be perfect for you. It won’t ever happen, and you’ll only split your focus in too many directions if you sign up for everything anyway! If you have the chance to decide what you’re most interested in before you even arrive, than all the better. At least you can save your cash till that subject comes up.

Anyway, back to the show.

Second up was Adam Ginsberg – a man whose Ebay achievements are second to none. I have to take my hat off to Adeel again at this point; it was great to get so many genuinely high-powered speakers in one place. Real people with real results.

Adam obviously pitched ebay as a way to make good money and made an offer that very nearly took my cash, but going back to my comment above I’d already committed myself to working with Lee McIntyre and I felt that this would just distract me. Adam was surprisingly candid about some of the other things he sees going on in our industry – so much so, that he got the camera switched off at one point so he could speak “off the record”. If you’re looking for one solid way to make money, I reckon it would be a lot of fun working with Adam and just to give him even more kudos, he even went to bat for the attendees and got us an hour lunch break. Adam, for that alone, you were a standout speaker ๐Ÿ™‚

After that lunch break, we had Andrew X up on stage. The sheer volume of his Clickbank accounts is staggering…just insane amounts of cash flowing through around 200 separate accounts. Andrew’s big message was to look at low gravity items on Clickbank (rather than high) as the competition is so much lower, and some of them do turn out to be money spinners. He talked though affiliate sales, becoming a product creator and then also running a membership site as three different ways to make $1M in 6 months.

Now, at this point, I got distracted by a few folk turning up that I recognised, so I can’t claim to say that I know who the next speaker was. Sorry whoever you were (blame it on Chris Freville!). In principle I guess this slot could have been set up for Anik Singal, but a colleague of his was speaking about Lurn Inc. What was most interesting was that he immediately talked about going with high gravity Clickbank products… really is possible to go in both directions and you need to find what works for you.

I confess that I got “conference chair fatigue” at that point and ran away. One of my blessings is that I live near to all these London/Heathrow events, but that’s also a curse in that I never get to hang around in the hotel bar at the events as I can’t justify staying away (so close to home). I’d still say that this would have been a great addition to the day, but I just couldn’t justify it.

So, what can I conclude for the event so far (as I won’t be there on Sunday)?

I think I’d have to give Adeel a big thumbs-up for the line-up and the way in which they presented (in general). The venue was pretty good in terms of facilities – the usual Heathrow prices taken into account!

I hope it was worth it for him, the attendance was pretty poor on both days, so I imagine the speakers will have been a bit disgruntled at their sales. There just isn’t enough cash sloshing around in a group of 50 to support so many good offers. On that front, I quite liked the ยฃ997 cap on the sales – I may be wrong, but they all came out with the same price, so there weren’t any outrageous numbers being quoted.

Will I attend another event laid on by Adeel. Yes I will. That’s getting to be an increasingly rare thing for me to say, so check it out on Sunday and watch out for anything else he lays on. Adeel, well done! Oh, and get the same admin staff next time too ๐Ÿ˜‰


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