Finding A Domain Name For Your Internet Marketing Site

If you are just about to set up your first site, particularly if it will be focused on your internet marketing efforts, then hopefully you’ll find this useful.  A quick video today, partly prompted by a question from a friend, partly by my ongoing frustration at ever finding an untaken domain that matches one of those keywords that take so long to find.

Please forgive the sound quality, my editor decided to crunch it somewhere along the way…still learning Sony Vegas I’m afraid.

As always, if you find it useful, please rate the video, tweet it or comment. All feedback is most welcome.


3 responses to “Finding A Domain Name For Your Internet Marketing Site”

  1. Martin,

    Very good introduction although the selection of the suffix, you defaulted to .com can be critical when combined with your hosting location if you want to achieve high organic search engine results for local searches.

    You either need a local country suffix and/or hosting in the local country. Thus, for UK you would go for .com and a UK hosting provider or and have options for hosting outside of the UK.


  2. Ian,

    Thanks for the excellent addition. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that I need to spend real money on Camtasia rather than use Bing….the 5 minute time window is too short to get all those cool tips in.


  3. Monyca Ireland Avatar
    Monyca Ireland


    Thanks so much this has been such a great help and as always you have the knackof “de-teching” the language so that I can get my head around it – I am considering launching a Virtual Assistant/Concierge business. I am still racking my brains for a “theme” to start seaching a domain name for and this will certainly help there also.
    Again a million thanks x

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