As you start to look at Internet Marketing as a way to make money online, you will discover that there are several different approaches you can take. I have summarized these methods here and over the course of the next few posts, I will go into each one in more detail.
- Selling Services
- Selling your own product
- Affiliate marketing
- CPA marketing
The first two look much more like traditional business models, as they rely on some kind of personal involvement as you set them up. When people first come to internet marketing, they will often have this kind of approach in mind, from preconceptions about how business should be done.
The third, Affiliate marketing, could be seen as a traditional selling role, where you get a “cut” of any money made from selling a product and there is much more to be said about this particular subject in another post.
Finally, CPA, or “Cost per Action” is usually a pure information gathering approach – with some selling at times. In this form it is highly suited to an internet-based approach as the “actions” are usually easy to carry out.
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