I spent some time last year going into details about conferences that I had attended in the hope that we can all help each other make these events more enjoyable for all concerned and I think I was a little harsh on my last victims.
It’s nice to be able to swing the pendulum the other way with this review for the first day of Adeel Chowdhry’s Internet Millionaire Academy. I’ll even go as far as saying that you should get down to the Renaissance at Heathrow for the next 2 days if you are near enough to do so – tell ’em Martin sent you ๐
We kicked off with Adeel setting the scene for the rest of the day with a summary of his earnings and some ideas on how to get started, but he passed the baton fairly quickly to a colleague of his called Biku (truly sorry here, I don’t think I ever heard your whole name).
Now, it may be that we had a fairly small audience as a result of it being a Friday, but Biku immediately jumped to a more workshop-style session and got the crowd intimately involved in answering his questions and working through the particular points of his presentation with a few individuals….and yes, yours truly was one of them! This was one of the most impressive, confident and useful presentations I’ve seen in all the conferences I’ve been to –ย an echo of Biku’s corporate background, I suspect. This got a big thumbs up from me.
Simon Poulson followed on, with a session mainly focussed on marketing to local businesses…..just another great, solid piece of content with a real list of action items to follow to get started in this space.
After lunch Scott Rewick wowed the crowd with his life as a media buyer and builder of monster companies (in super fast times). I’ve seen Scott a couple of times now and his offer is one of the most compelling and “real” that I’ve seen. Another great speaker.
Finally (for my day anyway), Lee McIntyre took to the stage. If you trawl back almost to the start of this blog, you’ll se how impressed I was with Lee when I first saw him. He’s gone on to grow his business from 110K a month to something which is now around 220K – all in the space of just over a year. I’m still hugely impressed by his integrity as a marketer and the way he goes about selling. His main focus today was on Membership sites and a lot of folk I spoke to afterwards were inspired by the way he broke down the numbers needed to make some decent money with one of these sites.
Now, don’t get me wrong, this was still a selling opportunity for all the speakers….it’s just that they concentrated on the content first and their pitches were both relevant and concise. I can handle that so much better than some of the pitch-fests that I have visited. The usual 90 minute talks with 30 minutes taken up by the pitch are just getting old as far as I’m concerned!
All in all, the day was a big success as far as I’m concerned, kudos to Adeel and the team….including the stunning admin helpers ๐ Just one niggle….quite a late start led to lunch being only 30 minutes….the liquid lunch I had worked quite well though!
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