Off to Cambridge for a Day of Being Pitched

Tomorrow sees me getting out of the house for a day, rather than being locked to my laptop, building links for the millionth day in a row!

Anyone else going to the Cambridge Business Academy? Russell Brunson is over and speaking and I’ve always liked his content, so I’m hoping to have a good day out.

I have no delusions about it though. We’ll see how many pitches ensue during the day and I’ll bring you a full report tomorrow night after I get back home.

As I commented above, I’ve been linking for all I’m worth to my Halloween site –  there I’ve said it. I’m trying one of these very focussed sites that will bring me nothing for the rest of the year, but is already ramping up in traffic nicely. I sold my first costume a couple of days ago, but conversion is pretty poor so far. Not sure if I should be changing the page layout slightly.


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