Warrior Live Event Orlando – Day 0

I’m going to try to keep some kind of running diary of all that is happening at the Warrior Event in Orlando, so check back every day to keep up.

Yesterday doesn’t really count as an official event day as most folks were traveling to Orlando. I was already installed as I had come over on Wednesday, so I grabbed the chance to visit Universal for the morning.

It’s an interesting experience, visiting a them park like this, not having to trail kids around behind you. It lets you look at stuff without all the pressure of getting to the next ride.

One thing that struck me was the level of detail applied to the new Harry Potter section of the park. Many of the other areas are quite light in this regard, Jurassic Park having the odd toothy monster poking its snout out of the trees, for example.

That style of design seems to have gone out of the window for HP and there is an exuberance to the “sets” that left me smiling (even without any children to appreciate it all).

It left me thinking whether or not I leave that kind of smile on the faces of my customers. Do I add so much more than they were expecting? Definitely an eye-opener for my business.

The Warriors are Gathering

I didn’t get a chance to talk to many folk last night, I’m sure that will change as the weekend goes on, but one conversation stood out as I was chatting to Anthony Aires. He was talking about the need to find an authentic “voice” when you portray yourself and that he’d heard that there are 4 kinds of character – so you’ll appeal to at least 25% of folks that visit.

The conversation wound through Frank Kern’s recent change of appearance so he can appeal to a different group to the one he first worked with. I was left with this odd feeling that I should be helping out people of my own age, looking for early retirement (or maybe having recently left a job) who have a bizarre sense of humour. I bet that cuts down my audience considerably 🙂

I also spent some time with Leah Butler-Smith who had a recent WSO launch. Her plugin uses the new Facebook interface to really boost the interaction between your site and FB itself. It got a bit swamped by the Don Wilson launch on the same day, but is an excellent tool in its own right and completely different to Don’s WSO. Check it out here if you have a strategy which includes linking your blog and Facebook.

As the rest of the day was not officially part of the program, there were no organised events, but as with all gatherings like this, the evening disappeared in the bar – people getting to know each other before the main event kicked off on Friday.





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