I signed myself up to Dean Holland’s Quick Start Challenge when he offered it as a WSO a couple of weeks back and I thought I’d report back on progress so far.
Dean is a guy who I feel I should know already….but I don’t. I’m pretty sure he was at Lee McIntyre’s event back in 2009 that was the first real IM event I attended and I’ve seen him at a couple of other do’s along the way, but have never really had the chance to chat.
What I have been able to do, is to watch his progress as a marketer in the UK (and globally) and his rise and rise is a trajectory that I think we’d all like to follow.
Anyway, now he is running this training, I’ll be up there with him before you can say “blimey, what was that?!!” Hmm, we’ll see.
Week 1 of the challenge was a scene setter with Dean covering aspects of mindset and setting some ground rules for what is to come. Most interesting to me was his comment about “success being so close, I’ve bought all the courses, it’s just round the corner”. Interesting, because I’m sure I’ve said those exact words in the past. I’ve been fortunate enough to see some small successes in my affiliate marketing, so I feel like it’s not an unjustified thing to say, but it was funny to hear that echo!
What is different about this course, is that Dean is setting weekly homework along the way. My feeling about almost all coaching courses out there, is that they often rely too heavily on individual commitment to blaze through a lot of vague material to find the right path. Many such programs demand nothing from their customers between sessions and many folk fall by the wayside as a result. (Here’s a commitment – if I ever run a high-ticket program, I promise to be a bully about your results LOL!)
If you hadn’t guessed, this post IS the homework. I guess I was lucky to already have the blog running, but it’s good to have targets.
More to come in the following weeks, obviously I can’t give you the material, but I will update my views of Dean’s style and content as we go along……for now, I’d say he’s one to put on your radar for the next opportunity.
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