Spent some time today getting my mini web of niche sites up and running for my set of keywords and Amazon products. The IPK philosophy is to have a central hub which is more general and a bunch of more targetted sites feeding into it to provide theme relevant links very quickly.
All of this follows on from my purchase yesterday of the enterprise version of SEOpressor which seems like a nice way to force myself to remember the basics of SEO. I think I get pretty close with what I know and using All in One SEO and then after plugging this thing in, it tells me I’m less than 40% optimised!
Not sure what I think of all of the recommendations (use an H1 tag in the post seems like overkill since the title is already H1 with the keyword in it) but it seems like a good immediate check on things like keyword density etc etc.
As a result of all this, I’ve been using it to build some posts on the sites in the mini web and make sure they are as optimised as I’m happy with.
I’m interested to know what others think about this approach to making sites. I’ve read several other sites recently (Grand Online Profits , My Passive Income Online Blog and Sales Potentiator) where the focus has very much been on building a site a day and moving on so that you end up with loads. Is my much more authority site type of approach going to kill me quickly?
Anyway, back to the posting! You’ll have noticed the switch to WordPress 3 and a slightly different theme – any good?
Day 3 Earnings:
Adsense $1.40 (interestingly a high priced click on a blog that has been running at 5c per click)
Amazon $0
CB $7.19 (A small ebook I put up a few weeks back)
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