A disappointing day today in some ways. I failed to get my content written for my satellite sites and Saturday just ate away at my day with small updates from the rest of the family. Families huh? Who’d have ’em?!
What I did manage to do was to get back to one of my Adsense sites and prepare a LinkJuicer campaign for it. It’s stuck at number 9 on the first page and while the clicks are supposed to be valuable, I’m not getting enough stuck down there. The LJ campaign is pretty slow, but I’ll report back as it progresses.
The other thing I did was to revisit a load of sites that I built earlier in the year. Many of them are Amazon sites too and some had some nice heydays where they made a bit of cash before dropping in the search engines. I was checking through them and discovered that a couple had recovered back to something like number 13, so I will probably fire LJ at them too and maybe even a UAW run to see what happens. Their individual contributions were small but there were enough of them to get me up in Amazon’s commission structure, so they will help me make money off my new sites.
It’s now 8pm so I may not get much more done, but I’m still working so I have something to add to tomorrow’s report. I hope that these reports are not too demoralising if you are just starting out yourself but I see so many of this kind of log starting about when the person involved is already doing 1k a month – nothing like that here! In fact I just downgraded my reseller account as I worked out that I had aimed way too high with my initial signup and the tiniest account would do me fine. If you know of anyone wanting some hosting, let me know!
Tomorrow is going to mainly be all about research and some learning but I may step away from the purism of a day off to get some more work done on these sites. They feel too important right now to leave them alone.
Day 6 Earnings – $0 everywhere (see, this really is a beginner’s blog!)
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