First Kodak Zi8 interior test.

I pushed the first quick video taken on the Zi8 up to YouTube this morning, so here it is in all its glory (or horror – wait till you see the subject!)

If I had any comments to make, I’d say that it was taken in relatively poor lighting, so I am prepared to believe that had some effect on the stabilization…I will test that theory out in a separate video.

The quality of the original is good enough (even in 720p) to fully record the fact that I got very little sleep the previous night but the youtube compression obviously affects the final viewable video here.

The other thing that really caught me out is the default zoom level. This is just a tiny bit too much to be able to comfortably record a hand-held head and shoulders shot and as a result I might invest in a smaller version of my fantastic Gorillapod so that I can get a bit further away…..the tripod socket being one of the reasons I went with thee Zi8 in the first place.


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