Everywhere you look in the internet marketing world, you will find people talking about how useful webinars are for getting your message across, or training, or whatever else is the latest thing. The very next sentence usually points you to gotowebinar.com for a great way to make this happen.
So, here’s the blow. Gotowebinar just announced a five-fold price increase for running a webinar up to 1000 attendees. Up until now it has been $99 and will go up to $499 from now on.
You will no doubt be told that even $499 is good for the potential that it offers, but it will still smart to know that others are still on the old rate.
Well, after a bit of searching, I can tell you that there is a way out. You have precisely 8 days to get signed in at the old rate and it will stay at that price until you drop out of the program.
Run over to http://www.gotowebinar.com/s/TAF and you can get in and even get a 45 day trial before it starts charging you.
Send me your enormous gratitude up until the end of the month!
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