No IM related japery today I’m afraid….just another wee rant.

Why is is that the plumbers and solicitors of the world can just hold the rest of us to ransom as much as they do? Aren’t they part of what is nominally called the service industries?

So how come time flows in strange ways when they are involved. If you need them, it takes forever for them to get back to you. If on the otherĀ  hand, they need you to pay, sign etc etc, then time speeds up so much that your eyes will water. I’m sure there is some kind of strange time-warping going on here…..and I’m not thinking of the Rocky Horror show either!

If we could just set up a device between their time flows and ours, surely we could power the country on the resultant energy.

About Martin Percival

Martin Percival is an Internet Marketer with 28 years of experience in the IT world. He uses his technical skills to help others gain a foothold on the internet. You can track him around the internet on Google Facebook and Twitter