Strange how the default page in WordPress echoes the sentiment so well.
Welcome to Heaven only knows what you were expecting when you jumped here. Irish dancing perhaps?
Well, I’m afraid I’m not that one. Maybe you were after some HR advice…..well, strike two I’m afraid, although he may get a mention again in a while.
This Martin Percival lives in London, in the UK and this is his place on the net. Along with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr and a score of other social media websites. Maybe that’s how you got here, in which case thanks for taking the time to follow through.
What then is the purpose of the site? It’s going to be a bit of a sounding board actually. My goal is to sort out a way for me to get engaged with the world of making money online. I have spent my life helping others to get large IT systems up and running, or keep them running, or sell them, or evangelize them and who knows I may do that again.
In all of that time, I have been privileged to work at the front of the IT industry; messing with minicomputers when 4 Megabytes of memory was a really big deal, playing with Unix when it was up and coming and toying with the internet when you had to compile your own browser. Despite all that, I have never once grabbed the technology by the throat and made it pay me directly.
So, that is about to change. I’m committed to turning all this “knowledge” into something that buys my bread. This is made all the more poignant by the fact that I am currently “between jobs”, as actors say. So branching out may be the thing which means I don’t have to wait expectantly for agencies that no longer haunt my phone day and night.
So, welcome again, join me if you wish and I promise to give you a load of pitiful puns and as much fun as I can squeeze in along the way. I can’t promise to provide another serious-faced business blog but I want to get to my end goal and have someone say “we had a laugh” along the way.
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