Simple Video Pro from Mike Lantz and Nick LaPolla has just been released with a bang, but is it worth all the hype?
If you are keen to check it out first, before you read my review, click here
I need to be clear about my motives for this Simple Video Pro review before I start. I’ve been using Easy Video Player for a couple of years with no complaints (and much to be pleased about), so it seems a little disloyal to be looking at other video products.
The truth is that video plugins have moved on dramatically in the last few months and EVP may be getting an update in the near future – but then again it may still be a long wait. Not only that, but it’ll cost a good old chunk of cash to get hold of, so there are several reasons to look around carefully.
What makes Simple Video Pro unique?
Of course every new product that comes out claiming to be a replacement for another has to do more and do it better, so what is getting everyone so fired up about Simple Video Pro?
Of course you would expect it to do stuff like having timers for buttons to appear and redirect to after viewing if you wish. These have been around for a while – and are still useful.
What you may not have seen from other software is stuff like Facebook and Pinterest integration or the ability to put a clickable watermark on your video.
It will let you use Amazon storage, but also adds Youtube as a real option, even letting you overlay the Youtube logo and control the playback options that YT normally handles.
For me, the killer feature is the chance to let your own affiliates brand your video with their affiliate link, so that if they embed your video all the affiliate mechanisms just get handled automatically. Getting that level of affiliate engagement is going to drive your sales way up, no matter what you are doing.
Not only that, but they guys have got iPhone and iPad playback covered, so you don’t have to worry about getting everything set up only to discover it won’t play on the most popular devices!
Do You need Simple Video Pro?
This is the key to it all really.
I guess if you are not going near video at all in your marketing (huh? Why not?) then it may be a step too far at the moment. My suspicion is that you will be driven down this path in the future, but we all need to focus on the stuff that is actually working for us right now – me more than most 🙂
Having said that, if you are using video at all, no matter what your delivery channel, then Simple Video Pro is going to help.
I’m moving across – even with my investment in EVP – there’s just too much in Simple Video Pro’s favour for me to ignore it. Why am I so confident? Well, Mike Lantz who runs so much of the Warrior Forum, has put his name to this product – something he has never done before – so there is a huge incentive for him to “get it right”.
If you see video in your future, I would definitely get hold of SVP (got bored with typing it out!) and learn all the features it offers. It will form part of your business for some time to come.
How much does Simple Video Pro Cost?
SVP comes in three flavours. There’s the Personal license which will give you the chance to set up 3 sites and costs $37. For an extra $10 you can get the Personal Unlimited license to use on any of your own sites without limit and finally there’s the Developer version which costs $67 where you can put the plugin on sites you create for others or sell on.
My own preference is for the flexibility of the Dev version, but for most people I think the Personal Unlimited one is probably the right choice.
If you want to check out all the other features of Simple Video Pro, click here
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