Simple Viral Profits from Don Wilson combines two of the main internet marketing pillars – Facebook and CPA. It promises to get the traffic flowing to your CPA offers without the usual cost of using paid traffic to do it.
As usual, if you want to check it out before reading my Simple Viral Profits Review, go here.
Simple Viral Profits Package
Don Wilson has a strong following on the Warrior Forum and so when he released this latest WSO, I decided to check out the hype for this review.
CPA is something that I’ve never dabbled with, but have started to get interested in recently, so this WSO came at the right time for me to get in at a low cost.
Once you’ve paid up, you get a pdf with the main contents of course contained inside. Don has chosen to break down the whole subject into 5 main areas:
- Select A Niche
- Find An Offer
- Generate A Responsive Following
- Compel An Action
- Automate It
Inside the pdf he talks about each topic in turn and then links out from the document to a series of backup videos that clarify each point.
Overall you get 12 videos in the package as well as the original pdf. Not only that, but Simple Viral Profits also contains three checklists that Don has created to keep you heading in the right direction and a list of his own CPA account managers that have been warned to expect applications to join their networks.
This last point is a key one, as some people struggle to even get accepted into a CPA network, let alone make a profit!
Downsides to Simple Viral Profits
Actually, this is one course where I struggled to find any major faults in its presentation. If anything, I’m not a big fan of having a load of videos linked out of a pdf – it’s just a bit of a pain hopping backwards and forwards, but as you can tell, that’s hardly a major problem 🙂
Obviously I haven’t had time yet to implement Don’s ideas, so I can’t vouch for the results it will generate, but as a CPA course which concentrates on getting you free traffic, I’m going to give this one a 9 out of 10.
If you found this review useful and you are thinking of getting into CPA, click here for Simple Viral Profits.
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