Building a List

I went down to Mark Anastasi’s List Building event yesterday in London and had another chance to see the internet marketing conference world in action.

I’m not sure what I think of the “selling from the back”  style of making money. It’s an area of working that I quite like, as I fancy myself as a bit of a public speaker…..I guess I’m just weary of the constant (almost hourly) pressure to spend, spend, spend. It’s worse for hustle than being in a dodgy stripclub (or so I’m told, as my marriage counsellor advised me to say!)

Anyway, back to list-building. It’s an area of the IM world that I have only just got round to looking at and even then, I think I’m not so good at putting out that stream of emails that you’ll have all seen after signing up for an offer.

No matter, I am just starting to play with Giveaways as a way to start the whole process off…and I’m thinking the email process through at the moment.

I’d be interested to hear what you all think of this. Is it ever possible to really get to know someone if you are on their list? What do you think?


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