Day 11 – Internet Marketing As Chinese Water Torture

You know about water torture, right? The idea is that you’re pretty much deprived of all your senses, but in the background is a dripping tap, which is set to a really slow, random drip. In the end it is said that anyone will crack, just from the natural tendency to listen for the next drip – and never know when it is coming!

Well, I’ve decided that internet marketing is a bit like that (at least to start with) since I can look across all of the different streams of income every day in the hope of money coming in and sometimes there is some…..and sometimes there isn’t!

I’m sure this all smooths out over time when you have a load of sites running, but in the early days it is just like torture and the idea of reporting it to everyone is also quite disheartening. It feels like I should be singing for joy every day to encourage everyone reading but it’s a hard act to keep up.

But, I said I’d do it so it is an absolutely true record of what is happening and I’ll stick to that commitment. I might drift to every other day every now and again but hopefully not too often.

I spent yesterday getting a killer article ready for ezinearticles – primarily for the link, not the traffic, but it would be nice to see it syndicated a bit too. As soon as it’s accepted, I’ll be sending it to as many places as UAW will allow.

A second string to yesterday was starting to bookmark the sites that I am working on. I use Incansoft’s SocialBot for this and I have a bunch of accounts already set up in there that get stuff blasted now and again. I’ve sworn to take this fairly easy, so it is set to 2 pages at a time and I’ll get there gradually rather than blast the whole site out in one go.

Today’s endeavours have started out with me re-evaluating some old sites, checking their rankings and having a think about whether or not to juice them all up a bit. Some made me a bit of cash in the past, but as I’ve said before, they tended to be low-ticket items and so the commision didn’t amount to much.

This afternoon will be a chance to write some more entries for my IPK style sites and to try to get to grips with how the central site should get linked in according to the plan Chris Kaye lays out.

Anyway, earnings for the last 2 days: Adsense 6c (yeehar!)


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