Unstoppable Affiliate Review and a Lesson Learned

I’ve been absent too long and it feels like the blog needs a bit of revitalization….just as I’m coming up to two weeks in Spain with pretty much zero chance of internet connectivity!

So in the interests of starting the ball rolling, I’ve recorded a short Unstoppable Affiliate review. This is Andrew Hansen’s latest release and builds on some of the work he put into Elite Niche Research and takes it up to the site building level.

I’m going to say right now, that I like Andrew’s stuff a lot. He spends a lot of time looking for affiliate programs that are off the beaten track and so are likely to be less competitive and maybe pay better too.

When it comes down to it, however, this is very much a beginners’ course. If you’ve never seen anything on niche selection and affiliate marketing before, then you could much worse than to pick up this course. If, on the other hand, you have a ton of stuff on all these subjects – READ THEM! I had a revealing chat with one of the guys on my list the other night. We decided this was exactly the route he needed, not to spend any more, but to just get down to reading and implementing what he already had…..and it was plenty.


If that’s tempted you to actually check out Andrew’s sales page, you can get to it here.

The lesson I’ve learned – and it’s one that I should have really thought about before, is that using YouTube to post these videos is a double-edged sword.

The video above is just a bit too anonymous, it’s too easily used on other sites (and of course YT encourages that behaviour). So, what do I find, some guy with my review on his site (ranking high for the search term), with no attribution and probably doing very nicely off my work, thankyou very much!

Here’s a big video hint…..put an unalterable link on the screen throughout the video. Camtasia, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere will all do this for you quite happily and I just plain forgot! So, that’s today’s big take-away.


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