Three Months to Change the World with List-Building?

Some of you will have seen my first stab at a month’s worth of list-building starting back at the beginning of December – and will have seen me slowly fade away as the month progressed!

What on earth possessed me to think I could really do 31 updates on here in the month of events and presents? I have no idea. In fact, it would have been almost impossible, as I spent several days in Paris before Christmas and then 5 days in Iceland leading up to New Year….and yes, I did get some pics of the Northern Lights. Due on here when I find a decent flickr plugin.

So where does that leave 2012?

List-Building is Back!

Strangely, I’m determined to follow-through with the list thing. I know that many of you are looking for ways to get this done, and I feel an obligation to finish what I started, so list-building is back on.

The problem I have now, even though it’s a fun problem to have, is that I am working as an interim manager (for 90 days) at one of the big UK media agencies. You wouldn’t believe the scale of their media buys compared to mine 🙂

As a result, I am now officially employed. What that means is that I will only be able to work on my personal business in the hours before and after doing “the job”. I guess that will make my efforts more easily comparable to all of you that still have a full-time job and are working in IM as a means to get out of the rat-race.

So, here’s my next 3o day commitment….well, up to the end of February anyway.

I will be keeping this site up to date every day with what I have achieved in the list-building challenge. In fact, what I think I will do, is set up a separate list just for those who want to follow along, with the promise that it will only be used for list-building content. If that is where you need to be concentrating next, watch out for my follow-up announcement.

In the mean time, I have a couple of sites that I’m setting up to help folk in the IM world find the information they need to make their lives easier. I’ll fill you in on those as they spring into life.

Finally, why 3 months to change the world with list-building?  Well, that’s how long I have in paid employment before I am back to earning my money from IM, and I intend this list-building exercise to be a big part of that success.


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