The Nirvana of Internet Marketing. That’s what Dream Niches from Alex Cass and Alex Becker promises! Rank for a highly searched keyword and make money in 24 hours.
Bold claims, I hear you cry, so I thought I’d take a look at what this WSO has to offer in this little Dream Niches review.
Before we start, I should make it clear that this is just after my purchase and going through it. I can’t give you the longer term view yet, until I’ve put up a couple of test sites… out for that follow-up post.
First up then is the sales page – meh! Standard graphical WSO monster that to my mind is a bit disjointed. It doesn’t flow as well as some of the ones I’ve seen recently and the dog image is going to “pollute” my mind for a long time – you need to check it out to see what I mean 🙂 The promise is still a strong one, so I bought it anyway.
What’s Dream Niches all about?
Dream Niches offers a (fairly) simple set of techniques that will help you to find keywords in many niches where you thought that the subject was tapped out. I definitely think there’s some power behind the technique proposed and you should be able to expand it out even further with a little thought.
The upsell is a set of videos that will take you through the whole thing again (but in video form) – if you’re a visual person, it’s a shame you can’t get straight to these without buying the pdf. In fact I’d say if you’re ok with just reading, you don’t really need this except for one small additional segment which is referred to in the book but never shows up until the videos! I’d say you should be able to work it out from the name.
There’s a lot to like in the original pdf – and I felt the videos didn’t add enough to be worth the upgrade. But hey, I can take my learning any way it comes!
Dream Niches nightmares
What I didn’t like was the constant “putting down” of existing Keyword tools – guys, there’s no need for it! It may be true that they don’t show everything in one subject in a single search, but that’s been true for ever. Make the point once and move on.
It’s not like the keyword tools have no value either, they are still good for helping with some of the checks suggested later on in this course. So don’t feel you need to throw away your investments if you buy this course. Use each for the bits it is strong for.
In the same way, knocking the idea of link-building and then showing how to do it feels a bit misleading. I guess you knew there would still be link-building, right? It may be mightily reduced, but it’s still there.
If I had to summarize Dream Niches, I’d say that it’s an excellent additional toolset for finding keywords. I might even go so far as to say that it could form the basis of building quite a nice base of niche sites if you want to get going quickly. I’ll be trying out the technique myself over the next couple of weeks and I will report back.
If you want to check out Dream Niches in the meantime, it’s still fairly low-priced in it’s dime-sale, look here
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