One of the biggest problems I have found with the internet marketing world is just the sheer volume of material that is available on every subject under the sun.
My previous life as a technical evangelist trained me in many ways to be a hoarder of information. There was always something being detailed by a competitor or journal that could inform a presentation or conversation with a customer.
Unfortunately, this approach is completely wrong for the world of internet marketing. Although I can already tell you many things about many areas of this huge subject, I haven’t yet got down to the task of making just one technique work for me consistently.
I’ve played with PPC, to get clicks to a site that I was sure would convert well.
I’ve played with Amazon affiliate sites, building small niche sites that make a few dollars here and there.
I’ve dabbled with building some small products of my own.
Despite all this, I have not concentrated on any one thing for long enough to truly see (what I would call) success. So, this is my own personal call-to-action. I am going to concentrate on those same Amazon niches that have shown some small success and I will try to make them even more successful.
In some ways this is still me just “playing” at internet marketing. My journey so far has been interrupted by many periods of wondering if I have done the right thing. In all honesty, I miss my old colleagues more than I thought I would and I have found “working from home” to be a lonely existence!
So, 2010 will be a chance to sort myself out. Making some real money, concentrating on one technique and also making some proper contacts in the IM world.
As a first target, my most succesful site is at number 10 on the first page of google. I will commit to getting that up several places by the end of the year and will see what that does for my income. Watch this space for reports and details of what I have tried.
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