Yeehar! My First Sale.

Well, it’s early days and I have loads to learn still but I made my first sale today from an ebook in a small niche.

Looking back at the last 3 months, I can see an incredible amount of stuff that has just flowed towards me (based on a load of paypal transactions of course 🙂 ). What’s amazing is that although I feel like I am only in the foothills of this particular IM mountain, I can still see for miles when I look back down. It’s like being at Everest basecamp!

What does this mean…..well, if I can learn enough to get something like this going….there is serious hope for all of you that have only just started in internet marketing. As I said in an earlier post, Daniel Wagner likened it to a line from 0 to 100 percent and said “No matter where you are on the line, others are to the left of you!”

About Martin Percival

Martin Percival is an Internet Marketer with 28 years of experience in the IT world. He uses his technical skills to help others gain a foothold on the internet. You can track him around the internet on Google Facebook and Twitter