Meeting the Gurus – Part Two

So, if you’ve read my last post you may be thinking what a cynical guy I am right now. I need to quickly put up a balancing viewpoint based on some emails I’ve had over the last 24 hours.

Let me say, right now, that paying for time is just one way to meet the experts. It’s not the only way, but it is true that many of them are so busy that they just don’t have time to interact with every single person that comes their way.

On the other hand, sometimes you will meet folk who are just happy to help (almost at any cost). I wanted to put Robert Plank up for one of those awards.

I spent some time looking at his PLR Copywriting course just before I got into Chris Freville’s program and as a result I dropped him an email to say that I couldn’t do both, but how good it had looked….especially with the amount of PLR that I’m using at the moment.

He came back with several emails of encouragement and was very understanding (about missing out on my cash!). So, here’s to you Robert….you get a “sound bloke” award from the UK.

If you’re interested in looking at Robert and Lance’s PLR course, you should head over here -> PLR Copywriting The offer is open until Tuesday, so it’s short notice I know, but everything I have seen (including the late night webinar they ran) makes me think it would be a great investment. I’ll be re-visiting my involvement when I finish working with Chris.


2 responses to “Meeting the Gurus – Part Two”

  1. Hey Martin, thanks for saying such nice things about me and Lance. Have fun on your mentorship with Chris and make sure to post on your blog about how that is going, that kind of stuff makes for easy and fun blog content.

  2. Hey Robert….it’s always a pleasure to be able to highlight excellence where I find it.

    I don’t know if anyone jumped over to your offer from here, but good luck with the next 8 weeks.

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