Summertime Profits WSO review

Does Summertime Profits from Simon Greenhalgh and Tristan Bull deserve all the praise it’s getting? Nearly, but watch out for all the reviews based on a pre-release version of the product (which seems to have been slightly different).

If you want to check it out before reading on, you can find it here.

There are some products that you want to praise, want to like and promote immediately. There are others that suck so badly that you’re afraid of being pulled in to that horrible vacuum of destruction…..

….and there are still others that could be “oh so brilliant” if just a little more care and attention had gone into them.

Summertime Profits is one of those. It has a slick sales page with an inspiring promise (and if you read my Dream Niches review, you’ll know how much I like to see some consistency on a sales page), but there are just one or two things that let it down. (Edit: See the end for my revised comments.)

Summertime Profits Logo

Summertime Profits basics

Just to keep the record straight, if you buy this WSO you’ll get something like 25 videos, a couple of mindmap jpegs and a “specially created” theme. So all in all, it feels like a lot of stuff for your money.

Much of the content is good and it should come as no surprise to find out that this is a WSO about promoting (primarily) other WSOs – I bought it because I thought it might complement Tiffany Dow’s Guide to SNOS.

If you opt to buy the one time offer, you’ll part with a much bigger chunk of your cash – and for this you’ll get a way to take the main technique in Summertime Profits and then use it to build a paid version. This will cost you a little capital, but you should be able to get going (over and above all the usual autoresponders, hosting etc.) for $100-$200.

While we are in the mechanics of the site, here’s my first gripe with attention to details. Both packages are run off one hosting system with a back-end membership system controlling them but once you buy the OTO and you sign up, there is no further feedback except a tiny page saying watch for an email.

What’s worse, is that you have had to leave behind the original Summertime Profits link to get to the OTO and when you finally do get logged in, there’s no sign of it in the membership page. Is that too much to ask, I paid for both, one leads to the other and then I have to go all the way back to find the original “no thanks” link. No big problem, but easily fixed to make it simpler for buyers surely.

Now, what’s this? I then have to sign up again for the original package! It gives me exactly the same password and then suddenly it all appears in the membership site. This isn’t so good and may well leave some less-experienced users reaching for an unnecessary support call, just because their product seems to be missing.

So what is good about Summertime Profits?

I need to pull back at this point and calm down. As I said, there’s a lot to like about the ideas in Summertime Profits, especially if you are starting out in Internet Marketing.

Finding a hungry crowd and helping them has always been a good way to make money and Summertime Profits points the way to getting started fairly easily. Others definitely make good money using a variation of these suggestions, so I see no reason to think this is a scam of any kind.

The beauty for this site is that I’m already up to my neck in what they call “Method 2”, so it will be an easy tweak for me to combine some of these ideas with what I am already doing.

Why is Summertime Profits a borderline case?

It all boils down to one major flaw in the Summertime Profits layout and that flaw is just lack of attention to details. They say the devil is in the details and in this product you can smell the brimstone wafting up from the pit!

It may be, as one warrior has asked, that the videos are from a larger course and have just been pulled together for this release. That might explain some things, but underlying it all is just a sense of disorganization.  Several of the videos make reference to previous content (that doesn’t exist), there are several on SEO that appear out of nowhere in the middle of the course and there’s a general lack of care in making things clear.

Overall, these are small things that just need a bit more explanation to make the whole thing perfect.

As a product aimed at beginners, then, this leaves a lot of dots to join up. It’s a great concept, I have no doubt that it can be made to work but its target audience will probably need more help.

I’m going to give this a guarded recommendation because of those factors. If this were a school report it would probably end “has enormous potential but could try a little harder”.

My offer of help for Summertime Profits

I’ve decided, after reading back all of my thoughts, to offer help to those that buy through my affiliate link. I’m sure that the guys also offer their own support so don’t feel bad buying elsewhere, but if you want an independent point of view, let me know using my contact page after buying.

Edit: Solid Tweaks made to Summertime Profits

A couple of days after the WSO was released, they guys added a new video into the existing sequence (and fixed one of the other links.)

These 2 simple changes tidied up several of the dangling threads for me (and from comments in the forum, for others too).

As a result, in my mind, Summertime Profits went from being a 6.5 or 7 out of 10 product (just for the incompleteness) to being a solid 8/10 that might get a further promotion when I have had a chance to try it. I’m much happier recommending it now than on the day it was released.

Here’s the link: Summertime Profits


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