WordPress for Beginners – Adding an Image to a Post.

I am as guilty as the next person of making assumptions about where people start from in their internet marketing journey. Even though I have already talked about this spectrum of experience in an earlier post, it was only last night that it really came home to me just how much I take for granted.

How to add an image to a wordpress post.
How to add an image to a wordpress post.

So, for all of you who are really starting from scratch with this stuff, I will try to cover  it all. Apologies to those who are more advanced, but we all started somewhere, right? Never fear, there will be more advanced stuff for you too.

Diving straight in then. A picture is meant to be worth a thousand words but how do you get that glorious image into your post in WordPress in the first place? Let’s just assume that I have an image that I want to use in this particular post, in fact let’s assume that I have made a WordPress Learners image to brand all of this type of video.  What do I need to do with it?

Here’s a short video of the whole process if you are going to do it directly in the WordPress Admin page as you build a post.  As you can see in the video, this is the exact same post I was using while recording. The only difference is that I hadn’t linked this video in from youtube yet. I hope this helps, have fun!


One response to “WordPress for Beginners – Adding an Image to a Post.”

  1. I don’t know If I said it already but …I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog. Thanks, 🙂

    A definite great read..Jim Bean

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