MobiBlueprint update.

One thing I forgot to say in my update was that I went and got myself a copy of MobiBlueprint yesterday.

My corporate life got me started on some of the technical aspects of the “mobile revolution” and this course looks like a great way to learn about marketing on the new medium. Everyone recommended Gauher Chaudry for his honesty and delivery so I was already on my way to buying….and then, out of the blue I got a mail from Tim Godfrey and Steve Clayton about their bonus for this offering.

I like these 2 guys enormously and I already own their Niche Blueprint 2.0 product, so I signed up through their link…a review of MobiBlueprint to follow.

About Martin Percival

Martin Percival is an Internet Marketer with 28 years of experience in the IT world. He uses his technical skills to help others gain a foothold on the internet. You can track him around the internet on Google Facebook and Twitter